
The Best Personal Development Books to Read

Here are some of my favorite personal development books that you can add to your reading list today!

I absolutely love reading! In fact I was able to go through 55 books for 2018. I read different genres, but one of my favorites is personal development books. Personal development books just give me that motivation to push a little harder, and be a little more positive in my day to day life. I’m a sucker for all things planning so I especially love books on routines and habits.

I have compiled a list of some of my favorite personal development books that you should add to your reading list. You’ve probably heard of most of them, and if you haven’t you should check them out. Let me know below which ones you have read or want to read.

The Miracle Morning by: Hal Elrod

personal development books

I actually really enjoyed this book. Hal Elrod writes about starting your morning at 5 am and following a routine to make you more productive and ready to tackle your day. Hal has a very inspirational story that keeps you reading page after page. I felt very motivated and ready to start my own miracle morning after reading this book.

Hal Elrod discusses six habits that you can put into practice to start your day off right. He calls these habits SAVERS, and they stand for Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing. I won’t go into too much detail, you can check the book out if you are interested.

After reading this book I started my own miracle morning right away. I don’t do exactly what he says in the book. Over time, I have changed my habits and routine to make it work for me and give me the most productive morning I can have.

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

personal development reading

In my opinion, you either love this book or hate it. I happened to love this book! Jen Sincero is a tough love kind of gal and let’s be honest, we all need a little bit of that in our life. I listened to this book on Audible. She is the narrator on Audibe which made me fly through this book.

This book is a quick read with nice short chapters that give you the kick in the butt that you need. Jen gives it to you straight and helps you realize your worth and to quit listening to anyone that may tell you otherwise. Some people may not like this book, but I give it two thumbs up.

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

reading books

Alright, raise your hand if you knew this book was going to be on this list. Did you raise your hand? If you are rolling your eyes because you’ve seen this book everywhere, have you read it yet? If you haven’t, stop rolling your eyes and read this book now! I can’t recommend this book enough.

Girl, Wash Your Face is so heartwarming and Rachel just makes me so happy. This book is about real life and the struggles that we go through as women. Each chapter of this book is a lie that we tell ourselves and in the chapter Rachel tells us why we shouldn’t believe the lie. I know that I have told myself more than one of those lies and I needed to hear that it’s normal to feel that way. Also, I needed to hear that it was a lie and to be proud of who I am and what I can do.

Run, don’t walk, to go find this book and read it!

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

present over perfect personal development book

Present over perfect was a book that I read when I didn’t realize how much I actually needed to read it. I tend to get personal development books without hesitation, sometimes they are amazing, and sometimes not so much. However, Present over Perfect was great.

Shauna talks about why living a fast paced, hectic life just isn’t what should happen. She discusses how she was busy all the time and burnt out on trying to be perfect. Can anyone else relate? I know I get caught up in the day to day bustle and forget about actually living. Just stopping and getting back to the present instead of being proud of being busy. Being busy has become a badge of honor, but I want a badge of honor for living in the moment and enjoying every precious minute of it.

I have read plenty more personal development books. However, if you are on the hunt for some top picks look no further. Try these four books and see how they change your outlook and day!

What book is next on your reading list? Leave your recommendations for some great personal development books I can read.

reading professional development books