
Sunday Habits for a Stress-Free Monday

Does anybody get the Sunday blues? I have been guilty of getting them, but I usually get excited to set goals and start over on Monday. I have a list of things that I go through every Sunday to set the tone for my week ahead. I usually work outside of the home most days of the week, so I like to make sure that I’m ready to go in order to prevent from running around like a crazy woman Monday morning. 

Laundry Finished 

It is so easy to let your laundry pile up, until Monday when you are digging through your clothes trying to find that certain top that you swore was clean. Turns out it is balled up at the bottom of your hamper longing to be washed. You add laundry to your growing Monday to-do list and continue on with your day. 

I do a load of laundry almost everyday start to finish. (wash, dry or hang, fold, put away) This helps me stay caught up and always have that certain top or other piece of clothing that I like to wear. It’s just my husband and I, so I don’t always have clothes to wash but I like to do our blankets, sheets, towels, and dog bedding. I feel like our house just smells better with fresh everything! (Especially being a dog mom!) I make sure clothes are caught up and then I like to do our bedding on Sunday! I highly recommend making sure your laundry is all clean and ready to go for Monday morning.

simple habits

Lunch Packed 

You’re already running late from not having clean clothes, then you realize you need lunch for the day. I don’t have a job where I can just run out and grab lunch. Working at a school means a strict 30-minute lunch and then back to work. I also live in a small town, so even if I ventured out on a limb we don’t really have that many options to choose from.

I’m all for meal prep, but it doesn’t always happen in our household. I take leftovers for lunch, after dinner I like to pack my Tupperware so that I can have it in the fridge ready to go. If you are not a leftover person, find something that you do like ex: sandwich, frozen meal, Lunchable whatever works for you have it in your fridge ready to go for the next day. This saves me so much time in the mornings and I can quickly pack my lunch and move on to the next thing.  

Set Your Clothes Out

I’ll be honest with you for a minute, I don’t always set my clothes out the night before. I always tell myself that I’m going to and I usually think about it however I hardly ever do it. When I do remember to do this, it’s Sunday nights because I’m going through my list to make sure that I’m ready for Monday. 

Setting your clothes out the night before is just one less decision you have to make in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I like to run my mornings on autopilot. 

simple habits for a stress free monday

Kitchen Cleanup and Coffee

Cleanup is a loose term, I’m not talking about scrubbing your kitchen top to bottom. I like to do my dishes so I have a clean sink (this is a nightly goal for me.) I also like to have the coffee made ahead so I only have to plug the coffee pot in when I wake up. There is nothing more annoying than getting up and trying to make your coffee with a sink full of dishes and being tired and grouchy. 

simple habits for sunday

I hope these tips help you think about your Sunday routine! I’m not perfect and I don’t always do these things, however, I try. With these routines in place it makes my Monday morning so much easier. 

What are your Sunday routines for an easier Monday morning?