
February Favorites

I love looking at what other people are loving! Learning about new products and things to research make my heart happy. Here are my personal lifestyle favorites for February.

My list contains my favorites from my life. Books, makeup, and essential oils oh my! Grab a cup of tea and lets start the list.

Yummy Drink

I tend to go through phases of my favorite thing to drink and eat. My favorite drink this month has been lime flavored sparkling water and Ningxia Red! If I’m really feeling sassy, I’ll add a Ningxia Nitro.

lifestyle favorites

This drink tastes delicious and is just sweet enough to tame my crazy sweet tooth. Besides Ningxia Red is very good for you. Ningxia has a crazy amount of antioxidants. If you have never heard of it, you need to Google it! Ningxia is a puree and not a juice which makes it healthier for you. I get my Ningxia from Young Living. Have you tried Ningxia Red?

Savory Recipe

My favorite recipe of the month is actually a dessert. Husband approved dessert by The Pioneer Woman. Her recipe called Patsy’s Blackberry Cobbler is delicious!

favorite recipe

This recipe tastes more like a cake cobbler and it bakes out like a cake which is fine with me. I have tried this recipe with blackberries, peaches, and blueberries and the peaches is my favorite.

We make this recipe with peaches and add a heaping scoop of Bluebell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream and it makes the perfect weekend dessert!

Try the recipe out for yourself!

Awesome Book

I love to read! You could say that I’m a professional bookworm. Reading is my hobby and my passion! If I could make a job of reading books all day, I would gladly do it!

Currently, I’m reading Mastering Your Mean Girl by: Melissa Ambrosini. I’m part of a great fitness group on Facebook and our team leader recommended this book.

We are all reading it together which I love because then we can all talk about it at the same time. This book is all about silencing your inner mean girl. The book talks about how to truly live the life of your dreams all by not listening to that mean girl in your head telling you that you can’t do it.

book club favorite

I’m really loving it because starting this blog has made my mean girl go crazy! She keeps telling me that I’m not good enough and that nobody will ever want to read my blog. I’ve really had to silence her and talk myself up.

I absolutely recommend this book to anyone at any point in their life. You will find something of value in this book no matter what season of life you are in.

Epic Diffuser Blend

Alright so this essential oil diffuser blend isn’t mind blowing by any means. However, I have been constantly diffusing this because I am ready for spring and it smells so fresh and clean!

By the way, I love hearing about new diffuser blends to try so let me know your favorites below.

I use Young Living Essential Oils and I have for years. That being said, you do what’s right for you and your family. If essential oils are something that you don’t like then I’m sure you can find a candle that has somewhat of a similar smell.

So, without further ado my favorite diffuser blend is:

Orange and Peppermint (Cue the fireworks!)

february favorites

I told you this wasn’t mind blowing but it sure does smell amazing! You can also do lemon or citrus fresh essential oil in place of the orange.

When I add this to my diffuser I usually do 5 drops of each. Sometimes I will add one or two more drops of orange and one or two drops less of peppermint, it just depends on how I’m feeling. That is one reason why I love essential oils because you can customize the blend to suit your mood.

Binge-Worthy Show

I’m a total Netflix and Hulu junkie! I love a good sitcom that is just nice to sit down and watch without being too heavy or dark.

My aunt recently told me about a show called The Goldbergs. Now, I have heard of this show, but we don’t have cable so I had never watched it.

lifestyle february favorites

I added the show to my watch list on Hulu and I’m already on Season 3! I love it! Beverly is my idol! I now text my husband with gifs from the show. (Don’t worry I’m sure he loves it *cough)

Cleaning is My Jam

Alright I know, cleaning on a favorites list? Who does that? This girl!

I have recently been obsessed with watching Mrs. Hinch on Instagram. If you don’t follow her, you should! Anyway, I really do enjoy cleaning. Plus waking up to a fresh and clean how is a win like no other!

I recently bought a Scrub Daddy sponge and I really do love it! I found mine at my local grocery store, but I know you can also get them on Amazon.

favorite cleaning product

The sponge stays hard but still non-scratch in cold water and softens up like a regular sponge in hot water! This magic makes the Scrub Daddy so versatile and easy to use! I cleaned my dishes and then flipped the water to cold to make it more sturdy and cleaned my stove!

Do you have a Scrub Daddy? Are you obsessed like I am!

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favorite lifestyle products

What are Your Favorites?

Well, those were my Top 5 February Lifestyle Favorites. Did you like this type of post? Would you like to see more? Let me know below.

Also, what were some things that you loved in February? Let me know so I can fill up my Amazon cart!